Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Some thoughts to B2's post..

To have a sustainable relationship, there needs to be a tri-partite (much-like social/political/economic) existence of:

1) Love
where it is unconditional and that kind of instinctive emotional feeling/rush where you are willing to sacrifice even your personal being for the one you 'love' - which is elaborated by the romance factor..

2) Sex
no heterosexual or homosexual relationship can do without sex at some stage of its existence. sex and humping is the animalistic instinct retained in our search for a partner in the traditional sense. it is now confused with pleasure, so men often have more than one relationship with women. the sex drive, i concur, is the single greatest drive and motivating factor in the male species. not so certain of its effect on females though. perhaps it is used as a bargaining tool or protective measure.. hmm

3) Friendship
lovers are often best friends in a way they look out for each other, be each other's soul mate. i think this is the most socially evolved or influenced component of relationships; as described by the attachment factor.

View is that at least 2 of these factors must be co-existing anytime during a relationship, and the intertwining evolves as couples age.